I had the great pleasure of presenting selected findings from the dtec.bw R&D project Media for Peace at the 74th International Communication Association (ICA) conference, held in Gold Coast, Australia, between 20-24th June, 2024. Conferences organized by the ICA are considered to be the most prestigious in the world of communication sciences, providing scholars and practitioners of the field from around the world the opportunitiy to connect with one another and to learn about the latest developments or challenges in various aspects pertaining to communication.
Along with Tamer Farag, my colleague from the Free University of Berlin, I presented our research related to the use of digital media by counter-publics in Afghanistan and Lebanon. A second presentation, co-authored by Prof. Dr. Annika Sehl, Prof. Dr. Christoph Neuberger, and Prof. Dr. Sonja Kretzschmar, highlighted the use of Twitter in Lebanon around the Beirut port explosion (August 2020) for protesting.
The event also provided many, including myself, the opportunitiy of exploring Australia and all that it had to offer.